Patient autonomy in an East-Asian cultural milieu: a critique of the individualism-collectivism modelMax Ying Hao Lim7 June 2022
Human flourishing, the goals of medicine and integration of palliative care considerations into intensive care decision-makingThomas Donaldson9 November 2023
Clinicians and AI use: where is the professional guidance?Helen Smith, John Downer, Jonathan Ives22 August 2023
Choosing death in unjust conditions: hope, autonomy and harm reductionKayla Wiebe, Amy Mullin26 April 2023
Discussion of off-target and tentative genomic findings may sometimes be necessary to allow evaluation of their clinical significanceRachel H Horton, William L Macken, Robert D S Pitceathly, Anneke M Lucassen20 June 2023
Research ethics and public trust in vaccines: the case of COVID-19 challenge trialsNir Eyal20 May 2022
First among equals? Adaptive preferences and the limits of autonomy in medical ethicsSusan Pennings, Xavier Symons17 February 2022
Unconditional access to non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for adult-onset conditions: a defenceIndia R Marks, Catherine Mills, Katrien Devolder3 May 2023